Epigenetics and Mesothelioma

Key takeaways: Epigenetics, or the change of gene expression by external factors, plays a role inthe onset of mesothelioma. While the exact mechanism hasn’t been identified yet, researchersbelieve that asbestos fibers might contribute to the alteration of healthy epigenetic regulation.New treatment strategies, especially for chemotherapy-resistant cases of mesothelioma, mightwork to alter epigenetic expressions of genes […]

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Key takeaways: Pericardial mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer of the tissues surrounding theheart. Symptoms manifest in a similar way to other diseases and cancers, so diagnosis is mademore difficult. Asbestos and radiation exposures are significant risk factors for developingpericardial mesothelioma. There is not one course of treatment that has been known toeffectively work well, although […]

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

There are four types of mesothelioma, the most common being pleural mesothelioma, which begins in the lining of the lung. The second most common type of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma, which begins in the abdominal cavity. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects about 20% of all mesothelioma patients. The other two types of mesothelioma are pericardial mesothelioma and […]

The BoRit Asbestos Site: Ambler, PA

Key takeaways: The BoRit Asbestos site is an area of concentrated asbestos waste, located in the suburbsof Philadelphia. It was unregulated until 2009, when the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) put it on a National Priority List. The actions taken to protect members of the Ambler (andsurrounding) community include topping the asbestos with soil and vegetation and […]

Pittsburgh’s Steel Industry and Asbestos

Key takeaways: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the steel industry established itself inPittsburgh. This was a result of different environmental factors complementing the production,sale, and transportation of steel across the nation. Because steel mills used asbestos frequently,steel mill workers and their families were (and are) at a greater risk for asbestos exposure […]

Diagnosing Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Key Takeaways: MPM is usually diagnosed through a biopsy, or a small sample of living tissueof the pleural mesothelium, which is the tissue surrounding the lungs. However, somemanifestations of MPM elude traditional diagnostic measures. Diagnosing malignant pleural mesothelioma can be difficult. There are new subgroups of MPM manifestation that have been identified by algorithms; in […]

Pemetrexed to Treat Mesothelioma

Key takeaways: When administered in conjunction with cisplatin, pemetrexed is an effectivedrug to treat mesothelioma when surgery or other chemotherapeutic options are not available. Itworks by mimicking the biological structure of folic acid, which is critical for the rapidproliferation of cells (which is characteristic of mesothelioma and other cancers). Whenpemetrexed binds to folic acid receptors, […]

Data on Mesothelioma Rates in the US

Mesothelioma cases in 2020

Cancer can affect anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. That being the case, some people are more susceptible to some cancers than others. Those who have been exposed to asbestos are at risk of developing mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer that usually affects the pleura, or the lining of the lungs. […]

New Mesothelioma Treatments

In recent years, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved new therapeutic techniques for new mesothelioma treatments. Malignant pleural mesothelioma has been difficult to treat and the lack of positive results from treatment has made research imperative. Pleural mesothelioma is by far the most common type of mesothelioma, which begins in the lining of […]

How a National Mesothelioma Registry Would be Beneficial for the US

Since mesothelioma is such a rare form of cancer, it is difficult to get the proper statistics on the number of cases there are per year. There are other countries, including Italy, that have a National Registry for mesothelioma, and it would be useful for the United States to have one as well, as they […]

What are Pleural Effusions? Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Pleural effusions are a buildup of fluid in the lining of the lung, leading to chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing and high risk of collapsed lung. This is sometimes called “water on the lungs.” In the body, the pleura are thin membranes that line the lungs. It is normal for a small amount of fluid […]

Mesothelioma Through Secondary Exposure

Mesothelioma, an extremely rare form of cancer, affects approximately 3,000 in the US annually. Although rare, it is extremely aggressive. The sole cause of mesothelioma is through asbestos exposure. Asbestos, a naturally occurring silicate material is extremely harmful to breathe in and can cause diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. Most mesothelioma cases […]

Auto Mechanics and Asbestos Exposure and Ways to Prevent Exposure

Auto Mechanics and Asbestos Exposure

Auto mechanics and virtually anyone who works on cars, even hobbyists, could have been exposed to asbestos, a naturally occurring silicate material that is extremely harmful to inhale. These people could still be at risk of exposure today. Breathing in asbestos can cause asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma. Auto Mechanics and Asbestos Exposure – Sources […]

Mesothelioma Treatment at the Fox Chase Cancer Center

Mesothelioma Treatment at the Fox Chase Cancer Center

Fox Chase Cancer Center was founded in 1904. In 2012, Fox Chase Cancer Center became a part of the Temple University Health System. There are a multitude of doctors there treating many different ailments. Those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma have the option to be treated at the Center. Mesothelioma is an extremely rare […]

Westinghouse Electric and Asbestos Use

Westinghouse Electric and Asbestos Use

Westinghouse Electric Corporation was founded in 1886 in Pennsylvania. During its time Westinghouse Electric used a lot of asbestos in electrical products and equipment such as welding rods, turbines, light bulbs and more. Westinghouse became an extremely popular company in the United States. In fact, the company made the first jet engine that was designed […]

Asbestos Exposure in the Military

Throughout the 20th century, asbestos usage was significantly amplified across all military branches, with a notable increase in the Army. Asbestos, a naturally abundant and affordable mineral, was highly regarded for its robustness and heat resistance. A multitude of construction materials that contained asbestos were employed for erecting military facilities where army personnel were stationed, […]

Treating Pleural Mesothelioma

Treating Pleural Mesothelioma

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma, beginning in the thoracic cavity and affecting about 75% of mesothelioma patients. There are many different treatment options for those who have been diagnosed and the ones that are used are chosen based on stages of the cancer and other factors.  Different Ways of Treating […]

Asbestos Exposure at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

Asbestos Exposure at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

The Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, once a bustling hub of naval activity and industrial progress, harbored a hidden danger that has left a lasting impact on the health of workers and residents alike. For decades, asbestos, a hazardous mineral known for its fire-resistant properties, was extensively used in various shipbuilding materials at the shipyard. The consequences […]

The 4 Types of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer that is associated with exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate material that is extremely harmful to breathe in and can lead to asbestos-related diseases. There are four different types of mesothelioma, all affecting different parts of the body. The four types of mesothelioma are […]

US Navy Ships with Asbestos

US Navy ships with asbestos

Asbestos was used in US Navy ships from the 1930s to the 1980s and was used in a wide variety of different types of ships. Asbestos is an extremely harmful material, and inhaling it can cause asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma. US Navy ships with asbestos in them was almost certain on every ship. Aircraft […]

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