Cancer can affect anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. That being the case, some people are more susceptible to some cancers than others. Those who have been exposed to asbestos are at risk of developing mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer that usually affects the pleura, or the lining of the lungs. Men tend to be diagnosed with mesothelioma more than women, as historically they worked in jobs that are more associated with asbestos, such as shipbuilding, construction, insulation, firefighting, etc.

Mesothelioma cases in 2020.

Rates of New Mesothelioma Cancers, Men and Women

The CDC provided statistics on the rate of new mesothelioma cases in the United States from the year 2020. The CDC’s information shows that men do indeed develop mesothelioma more frequently than women. In general, in 2020, .7 per 100,000 men and women were diagnosed with mesothelioma and there were 2,681 new cases in the US that year. In comparing men and women, 1.1 per 100,000 men were diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2020, totaling 1,900 new cases. .4 per 100,000 women were diagnosed with mesothelioma, totaling 781 new cases. Based on this evidence, it is clear that men are more likely to develop mesothelioma, however this is not because they are more susceptible. Men and women are just as likely to get mesothelioma when exposed to the same amounts of asbestos, however, as previously mentioned, asbestos was used in the past in male dominated jobs.

Rates of New Mesothelioma Cancers, by Race and Ethnicity

When it comes to rate of new mesothelioma cases by race and ethnicity for men and women, white, non-Hispanic people represented the most mesothelioma cases in 2020, followed by Hispanic people, Black non-Hispanic people, and Asian and pacific islanders (non-Hispanic).

White Americans represented almost all the cases of mesothelioma. .7 per 100,000 white Americans were diagnosed with mesothelioma, totaling almost all the cases at 2,223 new cases.

Based on what the CDC had data for, .5 per 100,000 Hispanic people were diagnosed with mesothelioma, totaling 218 new cases.

Additionally, .4 per 100,000 Asian and Pacific Islanders in the US were diagnosed with mesothelioma, totaling 77 new cases.

Lastly, .3 per 100,000 Black people were diagnosed with mesothelioma, coming out to 133 new cases.

This data is not all inclusive as it did not provide information on Native Americans and Alaska Native individuals.

Rates of New Mesothelioma Cases by Age

The data also highlights the fact that older people are way more likely to develop mesothelioma than those that are not yet of retirement age. This is because mesothelioma has a long latency period of 30-40 years, meaning the cancer will normally not begin to develop until decades after exposure to asbestos.  In fact, there was not even enough data available to report cases on those that were 34 or younger as these age brackets had less than 16 cases each.

Graph of rates of mesothelioma cases by age in 2020.

USCS Data Visualizations – CDC

Of the 2,681 new cases in 2020, 35-39 year olds represented only 23 cases, 40-44 year olds represented 25 cases, 45-49 year olds represented 49 new cases, 50-54 year olds constituted 70 cases, 55-59 year olds constituted 134 cases, 60-64 year olds constituted 207 cases, 65-69 year olds constituted 308 cases, 70-74 year olds amounted to 459 cases, 75-79 year olds amounted to 543 cases, 80-84 year olds amounted to 428 cases, and 85+ year olds amounted to 409 of the cases.

When it comes to the data combining race, sex, and ethnicity, it is evident that men, no matter what race and ethnicity, represented most of the cases in, not matter race or ethnicity.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or another asbestos-related disease, please call (800) 505-6000. We can help you and your family get the compensation you deserve. For more information fill out the form on our Homepage.


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