Calretinin and Mesothelin: Biomarkers for Diagnosing Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Calretinin and mesothelin are cellular products that can be measured asbiomarkers for developing mesothelioma. On their own, they cannot qualify the presence ofmesothelioma; oftentimes, doctors order extensive imaging or biopsies to confirm the diagnosis.A study published in 2018–conducted over the course of ten years–reified the utility ofmesothelin and calretinin in conjunction. If measured […]
Asbestos in Modern-Day America
While the history of asbestos dates back to the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, asbestos is still present and active in many locations across America. It is estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency that up to “107,000 buildings in the United States contain asbestos, including older homes and schools”. In addition to this, the Department […]
Asbestos Regulations
Key takeaways: In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency instituted a partial ban onasbestos and asbestos-containing products. In 2019, the EPA issued a final rule banningdiscontinued asbestos products from re-entering the market. After spearheading a review ofchrysotile asbestos in 2020, the EPA is proposing a ban of chrysotile asbestos as a form of riskmanagement and asbestos […]
Asbestos Exposure and Iron Deficiency
Key takeaways: Asbestos fibers lodged within one’s lungs create an iron deficiency in the localtissues. The body tries to compensate by increasing the movement of cellular channels and byactivating the immune response, but to no avail. Because iron is critical for transporting oxygenaround the body, the fact that asbestos disrupts iron levels is significant for […]
Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Chemotherapy has been the standard for treating mesothelioma, givenmesothelioma’s relative rarity, heterogenous presentation, and tendency to spread throughout thebody. Because chemotherapy is a systemic treatment–meaning it interrupts the life cycles of allbodily cells–it’s largely effective in treating metastasized tumors and mesothelioma, moregenerally. Despite its extensive list of side effects, chemotherapy is still the […]
Demographics and Mesothelioma
In the United States alone, there is an average of 3,000 cases of mesothelioma per year. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that attacks the tissue lining of vital organs. Although mesothelioma impacts individuals of all demographics, there can be trends found in specific areas. It is important to mention that there are other […]
Occupations Associated with Asbestos
Asbestos, a group of naturally occurring silicate materials, is notoriously known to be dangerous to inhale, even having the ability to cause cancer, such as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer that is caused from breathing in asbestos fibers. Although it is a rare form of cancer, it has a poor prognosis and is very terrible […]
Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Blood Tests
Key takeaways: Blood tests, like MESOMARK, are becoming more mainstream to help doctorsquickly and accurately diagnose mesothelioma. These tests check for the presence or absence ofcertain biomarkers of mesothelioma; these biomarkers are released, upregulated, ordownregulated by the growth of mesothelioma tumors. Although it’s not yet a significant part ofmesothelioma’s diagnostic procedures, it will likely increase […]
Asbestos Use
Asbestos, a naturally occurring silicate material, was used extensively in the United States for much of the 1900s, up until 1980. It was very attractive due to a few characteristics, like its heat resistance and flexibility. It was used in schools, homes, and buildings because it had qualities that most other materials did not have […]
Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Sarcomatoid mesothelioma is the rarest and most aggressive origination ofmesothelioma. These cells are irregular in shape, size, and growth, and they are more likely tometastasize beyond their site of origin into other parts of the body. Most patients withthis type of mesothelioma opt for palliative treatment plans, as current diagnostic techniquesusually detect this […]
Asbestos in Textiles
Key takeaways: Asbestos was frequently used in protective workwear (like aprons, gloves, ovenmitts, firefighters’ uniforms) because of its superb fireproofing and integrity-promoting qualities.A study published in 1970–well before strict asbestos regulations were put in place–found thatpeople that wore asbestos-based clothing were at a high risk for ingesting airborne fibers.Asbestos exposure is known to be associated […]
Optimizing Nutrition For Mesothelioma
This article will help to explain the importance of optimizing nutrition for mesothelioma patients. There are three different categories (Fruits, Vegetables, Protein-Rich ) that include recommended foods, their benefits, as well as their characteristics. Optimizing Nutrition for Mesothelioma Nutrition is a critical component in preventing malnourishment during a mesothelioma diagnosis. Here are a few tips […]
Biphasic Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Biphasic mesothelioma is composed of two cell types: sarcomatoid andepithelioid. This type of mesothelioma accounts for around 20-30% of all diagnoses. Because thecell types vary in detectability and responsiveness to treatment, it’s important to distinguish theratio of the two to plan for an adequate treatment plan. Multimodal treatments, or using two ormore treatments […]
Differences Between Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma
Most of the time when individuals hear about mesothelioma, they immediately think of lung cancer, unfortunately this is not the case. Let’s delve in further to what exactly lung cancer is and how it’s different from pleural mesothelioma. We’ll break it into four sections for each disease. It is vital to establish the definitions of […]
Epithelioid Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Epithelioid mesothelioma is the most common subtype of mesothelioma, withabout 50-70% of cases originating in epithelioid tissues. This subtype of mesothelioma has thebest prognosis, grows more slowly than other mesothelioma subtypes, and can usually bediagnosed quicker. Importantly, new diagnostic criteria that extend beyond the distinction ofsubtypes is helping doctors diagnose epithelioid mesothelioma much […]
Radiation Therapy for Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that is sometimes treated with radiation.Radiation uses high-energy particles to target and kill cancerous cells, but previous studies haveclaimed its harm negates its benefits. New forms of radiotherapy are emerging that are a.) moretargeted towards tumors, and b.) prove more useful than harmful in the treatment ofmesothelioma. How […]
New Mesothelioma Treatments
Traditionally, mesothelioma is associated with very few treatment options. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved certain standards of care that could streamline new mesothelioma treatments and help with affecting prognosis in a positive way. Over the past couple of years there have been advances in radiology, surgery, radiation, medical oncology, and chromothripsis. […]
Novel Vaccine Treatment for Mesothelioma
Key takeaways: Vaccines are currently being developed as treatment for mesothelioma. These vaccinesutilize and manipulate the body’s existing immune defenses in different ways: DNAmanipulation, the introduction of helpful bacteria or viruses, or the introduction of certainimmune proteins. There are promising clinical trials for treating mesothelioma with vaccines. Vaccines as Immunotherapy Vaccines to treat cancer–beyond mesothelioma–are […]
How Common is Mesothelioma?
When one gets diagnosed with mesothelioma, they might ask themselves: How common is mesothelioma? That answer differs depending on the country, however, in the United States there are about 3,000 new cases a year. This means that mesothelioma is very rare in the United States. With a population of over 330,000,000 people, mesothelioma diagnosis represents […]
Asbestos in Cosmetics
Key takeaways: Asbestos is a carcinogenic, naturally-occurring group of minerals that waspreviously used as construction, insulating, building, and packaging material. Because linksbetween asbestos exposure and mesothelioma have been established and studied, theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made significant strides in curbing the use ofasbestos (and/or making its use much more safe and protected). Despite these […]